Want to know more about us?
Our names are Brad and Amber – Full Time Travelers hailing from beautiful Detroit, Michigan – USA!
We want to experience as many things as possible in this world! We want to explore all of the ways people travel long term (from Van Life to Backpacking to Blue Water Cruising) and give the best possible recommendations for Digital Nomads and travelers. It is our goal to lead by example, provide real information, and pave the way for others who desire to live differently and embrace life.
We have developed the philosophy of chasing freedom – Both financial and physical. We want to make the decisions what we do, how we do it, and how we feel. Ultimately, we plan to learn to sail a large boat and circumnavigate the world.
Why do we travel?
We felt trapped. Trapped in the “American Dream” of sitting at a desk for 40-60 hours a week doing engineering work instead of experiencing the literal real world.
How did we start?
By May 1st 2023, we finished renovating our house to be rented, sold our vehicles, stored or sold all of our belongings (except what we could carry of course) and boarded a Trans-Atlantic cruise ship to land in Europe.
How can we afford this?
Over the last several years, we have created a real estate portfolio consisting of 14 rental units. We do not use the funds generated by that business to travel however (except for the credit card points), Amber continues to work fully remotely as a part time engineer (for now) and Brad works to plan cost effective trips using the techniques we have been developing and writing this awesome blog that you should totally share with your friends.
So like... what's the point?
I’m glad you asked. We saw people doing this kind of thing online, but it never really seemed sustainable. Turns out, it is! But it is not easy or simple. We have developed skills for years to be able to do this and set ourselves up in a way that allows us total freedom in life. You can do it too if you have the drive and the knowledge!
There is a ton of motivational pictures for people traveling full time, but there is nowhere to go to start doing the thing and sustain doing the thing. That’s where we come in! To show you exactly how we are doing this, what tools should be used, and what techniques are the most effective when traveling.
This website is dedicated to topics relating to saving money while traveling. There are resources for budgeting, trip planning, and different methods of travel so people who are interested in traveling have everything they need to save as much money as possible while still having quality experiences. This is not a course and we aren’t selling anything (except for the advertisements and affiliate links to help sustain our website and travel). Genuinely, we are creating a repository of information and sharing the the best ways to explore the world!
But... why should I listen to you?
Good question. We always try to be as credible (and trustworthy) as possible… It’s just in our nature.
Brad is a trained Mechanical engineer with focus on Entrepreneurship and hobbies in engines, electronics, and software development. He has been a Project Manager and Team Leader for many years – so he is really good at planning and budgeting.
Amber is a Masters Level Professional Engineer for Mechanical & Plumbing systems in commercial buildings. She has been working in industry for years and has also developed a real-estate rental portfolio in her spare time.
Basically… we are really good at figuring things out and simplifying them so anyone can understand.
I guess I believe you. What should I do now?
I would start here if I were me. It is Our Journey and Costs that show the breakdown of our ENTIRE Travels by destination and month (we update it regularly). It shows where we spend our money and what kind of experiences we are able to get. After that, I would sign up for our E-mail list (on the sidebar to the right) and get my hands on the FREE E-book we offer as a welcome gift that shows some of our best travel techniques and mindset around travel. Finally, I would take a look at the shop and consider purchasing the Notion Template there here to start organizing my life and start making some plans!